Archive for the ‘MOVIE REVIEWS’ Category

Source: Move Review: ‘Justice League Dark’

Going into the film, I had heard about some controversy with ‘Batman: The Killing Joke,’ as well as the fact that the source comic was too short to be a full feature length movie.

Source: Movie Review: ‘Batman: The Killing Joke’

Also, we are currently holding a Kickstarter campaign to help get our web series ‘Socially Awkward’ off the ground! Click here to check it out!

Source: Movie Review: ‘Justice League VS Teen Titans’

Movie Review: ‘Interstellar’.

9.5 out of 10

Warning, review tempered by love of series and nostalgia as it grows to a close. But man, this is definitely my favorite movie of the summer so far.

First off all, I’d like to say that this is my highest rated movie of the summer, and unlike with Super 8, I don’t think I’m going to regret giving it such a high rating. The movie beautifully wrapped up everything fans loved about this series, with the added bonus of being the movie closest in form to the book it was adapted too, but not without some amazing new scenes added for the film.

Being a movie music nerd, I was captivated by the way the composer wove in themes from all 7 films, most notably the melodies composed by John Williams over a decade ago for the first movies. The music served to remind us about the length of this journey, and where our heroes were compared to where they are now. The more poignant moments of the films really hit home the magic that JK Rowling’s series has always brought to the screen, by giving us moments where the actors shined and revealed the true depth of their characters, surprising many who were unaware of the twists in the final book. (I’m actually jealous of those people who went in not knowing what was going to happen, as the final book had some amazing surprises that were executed perfectly in the film)

At the end of the day, if you were never a fan of the series, you most likely won’t love the movie, as it takes no time to explain anything anymore as it drives toward the thrilling climax, as it assumes that if you’re watching the 8th entry in a series, you’re clearly a fan and aware of what’s going on.  But if you’ve followed along with the movies and/or the books, I’m sure you’ll find something to love about the movie as I did.

7 out of 10

Definitely better than the 2nd shitty installment, especially in the action packed final act.

Ok, I know, its got terrible reviews, and holds about a 36% right now on, but I don’t care. Its pretty much exactly what I expected/wanted out of a Michael Bay Transformers movie, and even with paying about $20 bucks to see it in IMAX 3D, I did not feel like I wasted my money.

The action scenes (particularly the final hour of the film) were epic, the new chick fit nicely into the slot vacated by Megan Fox (and looked VERY good doing so, might I add), the opening plot set-up and ongoing mythology explanations were enticing, and with the robots getting more screen time, I’m really having a hard time explaining why its getting so much hatred from critics. It’s decent summer fare, and yeah, I’m a little sick of Shia LeBouf running screaming around and making stupid jokes too, but the movie is far superior to Pirates 4 or the Hangover 2, both of which fared about the same on Rotten Tomatoes.

In the end, I’d recommend anyone to watch it with an open mind, and know that seeing the dramatic battle sequences on the big screen is far superior to watching it at home in this case.

5 out of 10

Wait to rent it on Blu-Ray, definitely not worth a pricey movie ticket.

Ok, to start off, I definitely waited to see this movie as I had very low expectations. This week I had a chance to see it for free (thanks to a GC I received to a cheap REGAL theater), and a group of us went. It’s not as bad as you might expect, but definitely not up to par of the original trilogy (even those who hated part 3 will admit that it was still a superior film to this). Johnny Depp was fine as Jack Sparrow as always, it was just the world and characters around him that lacked, as well as any truly interesting visual spectacle. Plus there were leaps in logic that were extreme even for a supernatural pirates movie.

I had thought that MAYBE the score (by my favorite composer Hans Zimmer) would at least make it worth the trip to the theater, but it seems even Hans was unimpressed by the material. It was clear that he phoned it in on this one, as I haven’t heard such blatant re-uses of old material since John Williams coasted through the Star Wars prequels.

There were a few memorable action scenes, mainly early on in the film that I thought were fun to watch, but the whole thing seemed to fizzle at the end, and lacked any kind of payoff (in my mind). Here’s to hoping that if they decide on a Pirates 5, Johnny Depp holds out until he can sure of a decent director and script.

6.5  out of 10

Nothing great about this movie, but definitely some serious laughs.

So over the weekend I went and saw the Hangover 2, despite the negatives reviews I’d already heard, thinking that if I went in with low expectations I might be pleasantly surprised. And the plan worked, kind of. Clearly its just a rehash of the 1st with a new location, and with a monkey instead of a baby. But what really surprised me was how, beat by beat, they ripped off every plot point of the original. I get that it worked once, but damn, show some creativity.

The saving grace of the movie however, were the actors, and the fact that the writers could still write some damn funny scenes for them. Every one of the 3 leads put in a great performance, and made the most of the thin script they were handed, especially Zach Galifianakis, who’s inane comments and childish demeanor really carried the movie.

In the end, still an entertaining movie, but I’m not sure it’s worth seeing it in theaters. Definitely a great one to rent later.


Posted: 06/10/2011 in MOVIE REVIEWS

9 out of 10

Stupid hype built up way too many expectations that were impossible to meet, but still an excellent movie.

What kind of movie would you prefer? Action/adventure? Sci-fi/ horror? Family drama? Well, SUPER 8 delivers on all levels. Superb action scenes, any number of jump out of your seat scare moments, and enough emotional investment that you actually care whether the characters live or die at the end.

Casting wise, I was amazed at all of the performances, especially the two young leads, who really carried the story. Being a film nerd, I also really apppreciated all the Spielberg nostalgia the film evoked, as well as the numerous LOST easter eggs carefully hidden throughout the movie.  As with CLOVERFIELD, I was really impressed by the use of CGI in the movie, (which is to say, only when absolutely necessary), and what computer generated images we did see on screen seemed genuinely original and compelling.

Is it the best movie of the summer? Well, that’s to be determined, as I’m honestly not sure how many people are willing to give SUPER 8 a chance in this summer of just way too many movies that everyone wants to see. It’s only June and I’ve already written 3 8 out of 10 reviews. But if you like a good old-fashioned story with some intense action and real heart, SUPER 8 is definitely for you.

8 out of 10

Worthy of it’s 88% (current) on Rotten

Another movie that I wasn’t excited about at all. I had thought the X-Men franchise had run its course, and needed to wait 10 – 20 years for a reboot. I was wrong. And I should have seen it coming. Helmed by the director of KICK-ASS (one of my favorite movies last year) and with Bryan Singer back as producer (director of X-men 1&2), it had all the makings of a great film.

The leads were phenomenal, with James McAvoy as Professor X and Michael Fassbender as Magneto. I could truly see them growing into Patrick Stuart and Ian McKellan’s versions of those characters, which is not to say that McAvoy and Fassbender did not bring anything unique into the roles. They were fun, serious, and compelling, everything that the movie needed to drive the story forward. The only downside in casting was January Jones as Emma Frost, as I honestly didn’t see any difference between how she portrayed Frost and how she does Betty Draper. Based on this, I doubt she has much artistic range as an actor, though she was smoking hot in the film, which for many, more than makes up for her lack of thespian skills.

The special effects were usually pretty basic, though a few scenes in the end I thought were spectacular visually. Throw in some excellent cameos and callbacks to the original movies, and this is definitely a big win for marvel and 20th century fox.

Highly recommend.